Excellence is waiting for you
Explore ESOR’s educational offers tailored to residents, certified radiologists and students.
Talk to us at the ESOR Lounge or join one of our congress sessions!

Who we are
At ESOR, we are dedicated to advancing your knowledge by providing cutting-edge education. Through diverse programmes and resources, ESOR empowers young radiologists to excel in their practice, contribute to international research, and enhance patient care with
state-of-the-art learning.
ESOR is an institution under the European Society of Radiology (ESR).
Find out more about us here.

Want to get away from the busy halls of the Congress? Visit the ESOR Lounge to relax or have a chat about how you can build your career with our:
- Visiting Professorship Programmes: global experts, coming soon to a centre near you!
- Training and Exchange Programmes: Opportunities for continuing learning, and how we can support you
- Tutorials and Courses: the best way to focus and refine specialty and subspecialty knowledge, online and in-person
and much, much more!
The annual ESOR Session celebrates the great scholars and fellows who have completed their training and exchange programmes over the last year.
We also take the time to reflect on how to improve radiology. This year we will be pushing the boundaries of radiology and exploring what it means to deliver great education.
With a range of different speakers, from Professor Valerie Vilgrain and ESR President, Prof. Andrea Rockall, to students and fellow perspectives this session has something exciting for everyone.

Rome wasn’t built in a day; they were laying bricks every hour. The building blocks of a great radiologist is the basics.
That is why ESOR proudly presents 3 Basic Sessions at ECR2025. You can join our sessions on:
- Variants and congenital malformations on chest CT
- GI tract and peritoneum imaging
- Pitfalls in head and neck imaging
Grasp the fundamentals and raise the bar of radiology!
Join our hosts, esteemed professors, Valérie Vilgrain and Regina Beets-Tan for this year’s live broadcast, featuring a unique insight into our Multidisciplinary Fellowships.
They will be joined by one of this year’s grant winners as well as Multidisciplinary Training Centre host and deputy director of ESOR, Prof. Christian Loewe.
Expect stories from training centres around Europe, unique insights, and big smiles for the camera.
You can also listen in when the outgoing and incoming ESOR Directors, Prof. Valerie Vilgrain and Prof. Christian Loewe, meet with Dr. Fulvio Renoldi Bracco, CEO of Bracco Imaging, to discuss the many programmes ESOR and Bracco offer to young radiologists through their almost 20-year collaboration.

The Open Forum is all about you.
In the ESOR-led sessions, new and experienced Fellows have the chance to meet, connect, and share their experiences.
Prospective applicants and ESOR participants are invited to speak with successful Fellows and learn more about what it means to go on an ESOR Training or Exchange Programme.
The go-to sessions for information on applications, grants, and exploring Planet Radiology!

Have you ever wanted to build your leadership skills? Develop a strategic vision? Lead a team? Drive innovation and change?
Then our new ESOR Leadership Course is perfect for you!
This exciting course will kick off at ECR 2025 and give a flavour of what to expect: three TED-style talks on the value of good leadership, team-building and leadership during change will be followed by an interactive activity.
the world of radiology is yours
Get inspired by our Scholar- and Fellowship programmes and find out where you will go next!

Hear what previous ESOR students think
"I really felt your great desire to convey your experience in examination techniques, approach, diagnosis and treatment methods."
"Very good collection of cases and excellent presentation by speakers. Thanking each and every one involved in presentation, both on screen and off screen."
"I learned a lot during this lecture that I will surely apply to my training and future practice. Looking forward to attending more ESOR lectures in the future."
Want to know what to expect? Connect!
ESR Connect is the platform from the European Society of Radiology providing you with educational and entertaining videos in the field of radiology. It offers exclusive live streaming events, an extended and constantly growing on-demand library and premium topic packages from the European Congress of Radiology.
Subscribe to the Premium Education Package to view all ESOR sessions from ECR2024 on-demand!
Education on Demand
The ESR’s accredited e-learning platform, Education on Demand Premium, offers a comprehensive course catalogue containing a variety of on demand online courses. CME credits can be achieved anytime and anywhere through video-, literature- or slide-based courses.
The new premium education package
Offers you the best choice to continue your education and earn CME credits.
Education on Demand, ESR Connect & Eurorad
Learn more here →

Including all 13 ESOR foundation courses