Urogenital Radiology

March 27, 2024
12:30 – 18:30 CET
5 CMEs

What to expect

This course is aimed at residents in their 4th and 5th year of training in radiology and recently board-certified radiologists interested in Urogenital Radiology. It is strictly adhered to Level II of the European Training Curriculum and is designed to improve the knowledge in the field of genito-urinary radiology by providing presentations of diseases of the genitourinary tract with cross-sectional imaging.

This will be delivered through 6 lectures of 40 minutes each, during which an initial theorical presentation will be followed by clinical cases. Live Q&A sessions will allow discussion with the faculty members.


Applications will be made to the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME) for CME accreditation of this event.

Applications have been made to the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME) for CME accreditation of this event.

The course has been granted 5 European CME credits (ECMEC®s) by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME).

Certificates with CME credits will be issued only after watching the live stream and completing an online evaluation form.

No CME credits will be available for watching on demand.

We work with impartiality and transparency. Find the steering committee disclosure forms here →

Learning Objectives

  • to learn about the advantages and limitations of modern imaging techniques for genito-urinary disease including CT and MR and the use of contrast media
  • to know key anatomy of the genito-urinary tract and retroperitoneum
  • to know how to perform CT, MRI and US for imaging the urinary tract and male genitalia common pathologies through an organ-based approach


12:30 – 13:10Principles of renal function: impact of imaging techniques and on contrast media management
N. Grenier, Bordeaux/FR
13:10 – 13:50Retroperitoneal anatomy and adrenal imaging
G. Villeirs, Ghent/BE
13:50 – 14:30Bladder and the upper tracts: imaging in haematuria
J. Belfield, Liverpool/UK
14:30 – 15:00Q&A Session
15:00 – 15:30Break
15:30 – 16:10Typical imaging of renal parenchymal disease, including renovascular disease and transplantation
N. Grenier, Bordeaux/FR
16:10 – 16:50
Pelvic anatomy and prostatic imaging
G. Villeirs, Ghent/BE
16:50 – 17:30Scrotal and penile anatomy and common imaging findings
J. Belfield, Liverpool/UK
17:30 – 18:00Q&A Session

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